Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What Are the Benefits of Eating Kiwi Fruit?

Kiwifruits, or kiwi, is an edible berry about the size of a chicken egg. It features a fuzzy peel that surrounds a green fruit with black seeds and a creamy white center. Kiwis taste slightly sweet and tangy with a creamy texture. It is available year-round in most grocery stores and is often eaten alone or as part of a salad, on fruit tarts or in smoothies. In addition to counting as 1/2 cup, or one serving, of fruit, kiwis offer a wealth of nutrients.

One cup of sliced kiwifruit provides 5g of fibre. The Institute of Medicine recommends most adult women consume at least 25g of fiber daily and men, 38g. Fiber can help fill you up, keep your digestive system running well and may help lower cholesterol.

In 1 cup of kiwi, you get over 270 percent of the recommended dietary allowance for vitamin C. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, scavenging free radicals in your body to help prevent disease. It is also essential to the formation and repair of tissue, particularly cartilage, blood vessels, tendons and skin. Kiwi is also a source of vitamin K, with 1 cup offering 89 percent of the RDA. Vitamin K helps with blood clotting and absorption of vitamin D. Kiwi also provides 13 percent of the RDA for vitamin E and 11 percent for folate in a 1-cup serving.

Potassium is a mineral that helps keep your body's fluids and other minerals in balance. Too little potassium may lead to weakness, stroke and irregular heartbeat. One cup of kiwi contains 552mg of potassium, more than the 467mg found in a small banana.

Choosing kiwifruit as a snack in lieu of higher calorie fare can help you control your weight. One medium-sized fruit has just 46 calories, and a full cup of kiwi slices contains 108 calories, about the same amount as a medium banana. Use kiwi to replace half of your morning cereal to save calories; add it to cottage cheese for a high-protein, low-calorie snack; or blend it into a smoothie with mint leaves and strawberries.

So there you go. Why Kiwis are so good for you, you probably get healthier just thinking about them!

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Exercising on a Treadmill – Part 4

Short of time?
Ever one is busy with their own schedules; nobody is having time to spend for exercise. Treadmills help you to alleviate this problem by letting faster results in less time by exercising at home whenever you have free time.

Exercise without disturbance:
If you are using a Treadmill, you will burn the same amount of calories as walking or running outside. But one important thing is you never have to put up with the sounds of vehicles, people and pollution.

Other than these benefits, you can strengthen your muscles. You can exercise in different ways such as dancing on the Treadmill. If you have a Treadmill at your home, it will remind you of all your exercise needs and you hardly skip any exercise.

Some of the disadvantages are there with the Treadmill. You may feel bored and lose interest after a period of time. You can try different ways of exercising on the Treadmill to avoid boredom.

The cost of the Treadmill equipment is high. You can purchase used equipment. But if you are going for a gym you have to pay monthly. Instead you can spend that amount and purchase a Treadmill of your own.

It will take maximum space in homes. If you have less space in your home for the Treadmill, you can purchase a foldable Treadmill.

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Monday, February 21, 2011

Exercising on a Treadmill – Part 3

Use your Treadmill Anywhere:
You can place your Treadmill in any room of your home. You can exercise while listening to music or reading. If you want to exercise while watching television, you can place in front of the television also. You can also place your equipment and workout outside if weather conditions are nice.

Save money and time:
While doing exercise such as walking, jogging and running outside is free, there are many factors which interrupt your exercise schedule; weather conditions may be bad, your timings may not set and danger of walking alone. To avoid all these problems, you can purchase a Treadmill and use it at home whenever you have time. In this way you can save money from paying it to gym and also save time going to gym or doing exercise outside.

Flexible schedule:
Another advantage of Treadmill is you can workout at any time you want. You can work with flexible schedule of your choice. When walking outdoors, you have to see the weather conditions. If it is cold or if it is raining, no need to skip the exercise if you have a Treadmill at your home.

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Exercising on a Treadmill – Part 2

Trouble Sleeping:
According to studies, vigorous exercise during the day helps you to get a good night sleep. If you are walking or jogging in the evening on a Treadmill, your night sleep will improve. Exercise three to fours for good night’s sleep.

Set Your Own Pace:
You can set your own walking pace when you are working on a Treadmill. You can start slowly and can increase your walking speed as your body is adjusted. If you have any health problems, it will work perfectly when to limit the exercise pace. Before starting an exercise program, consult your physician about your health condition.

Stay Fit and Healthy with a Treadmill:
Exercise is the key element to stay healthy. But it is difficult to include exercise in your daily schedule. Your family matters, office work and other activities push exercise to the back. Therefore doctors and fitness trainers recommend you to use a Treadmill of your own at home. You can workout on it whenever you have time.

You can stay fit and healthy by using a Treadmill. Walking on it increases your heart rate and oxygen levels while burning calories. It relieves back pain, arthritis, hypertension and other health conditions. Exercise also reduces stress, improve your sleep and build your immune system.

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Why do we like fatty foods so much?

I thought I would borrow the topic from my Coffee with Bob blog because it fits in with the fitness and weight loss subjuct:

Hey! I was hoping that was you. Couldn’t be anyone else, could it? Got a topic for you today that’s near and dear to out hearts… so fill your coffee mug and let’s chew the fat! Speaking of fat, do you ever wonder why we love them? We all do. Bacon double cheese burger… pizza with everything, devil’s food cake with chocolate ice cream, and the occasional Bavarian cream doughnut, eh! Oh, and let’s wash it down with a Caramel Mocca Latte! But why? Why do fatty foods taste so good? (I’m not going to mention Christmas pudding with brandy sauce because my sister may be listening!)

Fats help you enjoy the taste of food because they’re able to dissolve and concentrate flavor and odor chemicals. These chemicals are released into the air by the heat of cooking. That’s why you can taste sizzling bacon even before you eat it – because some of the flavor molecules are already in your nose and mouth.

Fats, also called lipid, play a vital role in promoting healthy cell function, maintaining body temperature and maintaining healthy skin and hair. Fats also serve as energy stores for the body, containing 9 kcal per gram of fat which is double the amount of calorie you can get from proteins or carbohydrates (4 kcal/gm). It is also essential for brain development and production of cholesterol in the liver

Fats also help distribute salts and other seasonings throughout foods – such as salad dressings – so that they make more contact with your tongue and give a deeper flavor.
And fatty foods have a special mouth feel. Chocolate, custard, and peanut butter all melt at body temperature. When chocolate melts in your mouth, it creates a smooth, full, coating sensation that most people agree is pleasant.

Finally, our bodies absorb fatty foods at a slower pace than proteins or carbohydrates. Fat makes us feel full. And when we feel full, our brains trigger the release of hormones that also make us feel relaxed and content. The close tie between fat, flavor, fullness, and happiness might be an evolutionary adaptation. Because fat provides more calories by weight than either sugars or proteins, in the past fats might have helped protect the body against starvation and exhaustion. 

However, when fat level in the body exceeds the normal level, it is associated with health complications such as obesity, high blood pressure and heart disease.

As the T-shirt says, “Thin may be in but Fat’s where it’s at! Oh, and in case you don’t recognize the second picture, it’s a Grilled Cheese Birthday Cake!


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Friday, February 18, 2011

Exercising on a Treadmill – Part 1

I was talking the other day about how we don’t always have the time to get in 30 minutes exercise – yet we know how much good exercise does our bodies. Exercise keeps every one in good shape and fitness.

A Treadmill is stationary equipment used for running, walking or jogging without going anywhere. You can set it up and take it down quickly – and you can read a book or watch TV while you are getting your exercise. Can’t beat that, huh? Getting two things done at once saves time!

A treadmill helps you to keep lose weight and burn off fat. Look at some of the benefits of working out on a treadmill:

Walking on a Treadmill helps reduce depression:
Walking for eight minutes on the Treadmill will help to reduce symptoms of depression temporarily. Do the exercise regularly and it will reduce depression over the long term. Short vigorous workouts during the day have similar effect as that of long workouts.

Treadmill and Weight Loss:
One good advantage of using a Treadmill is losing weight. Exercise with this equipment can burn around 700 calories per hour. Use this along with a healthy diet and watch the results!

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